3 Tips to Pass Your RTA Heavy Vehicle Knowledge Test

Heavy Vehicle Knowledge TestApplying to obtain your truck and bus driver’s license in UAE is similar to getting a standard license. There are, however, a few differences. The following extra requirements must be met to receive the heavy vehicle license:

  • Must be at least 19 if applying for heavy vehicle license
  • Cannot have certain medical conditions
  • Cannot have certain psychiatric problems
  • Cannot have any driving related criminal issues on your record
  • Must have all fines and debts relating to driving paid

If you meet these requirements, then you’re ready to begin the driving journey. You’ll need to take a written driving test before your on-road test. Here are 3 tips to help you pass your Heavy Vehicle Knowledge Test.

Make a plan

Not much is accomplished without a plan. If you make a hit and miss effort with studying and preparing, then there is a chance you won’t do what you need to be successful. Write out a schedule of when you plan to study. Try to devote several hours a week. You can space it out three days a week or study a shorter time each day.

Enlist a partner

Study time is always easier and more fun with a partner. Maybe you know someone else who is getting a license too and you can study together. If not, see if a friend or loved one will quiz you. Another idea is to rehearse some of the information to someone close to you.

Take a practice test

One of the best ways to know if you are on track in your studying is to take a practice test. A practice test will show you how well you would do on a regular test. Once you comple

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